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Parent Teacher Organization

The Parent Teacher Organization's (PTO) mission is to positively establish an organization for parents and teachers to collaborate together, to raise extra capital for the school, to provided increased community, spirit, and enrichment for the Studio School families and teachers.

Check here often for updates, information, and requests for help!

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) website

Click here for The Studio School PTO website

Meeting Times:

PTO - Once per month, either on a Monday 5:30-6:30pm, or on a Thursday 2:45-3:45pm (see calendar on PTO website for details)

SIT - 4 times a year (will be announced)

PTO Committees - will be announced

Childcare will be provided for these meetings.

School Improvement Team:

  • Parent membership will consist of one parent from each classroom
  • SIT meets four times a year
  • SIT oversees achievement, school data, new initiatives, and facility issues

Parent Teacher Organization:

  • Representatives will be chosen by each classroom teacher
  • SIT teacher members attend each meeting
  • Committees develop as needed. The following have been identified as important:
    • Fundraising for the Arts Committee
    • Hospitality Committee
    • Volunteers Committee